Linda Wilkinson

The Oonford detective agency by Daniel and Linda Wilkinson
In 2008 Linda’s nephew, Danny, sent her an email about a bunch of animal characters based on people he had worked with during his 20-year career on the trading floors of the City of London. Between them they have produced a children's book, The Oonford Detective Agency. This book has strong eco themes and is truly eccentric.
Review from Amazon *****
…I found the characters all quirky yet likeable and the villainess reminded me of a meaner version of Cruella De-Vil. I couldn't put the book down and finished it in one day. I enjoyed every page and the coloured illustrations in the middle section really helped me visualise Bungler Bear, Harmen Hare and the greedy Dog Mutson and in fact I could see this story making a great animated movie…
This book is free of charge + £2.50 P&P in the UK for overseas rates email Linda

The Shoreditch Tales
In 2009, working with the Shoreditch Trust and Carolyn Clark, its then deputy Director, Linda co-wrote The Shoreditch Tales.
The Shoreditch Tales gives the history of Shoreditch, Hoxton and Haggerston from the earliest times to the recent past.
Living memories and historical documents are combined to tell sometimes humorous, sometimes moving tales of everyday life in Shoreditch from the 1930s to the 1980s. More than forty local people contributed to The Shoreditch Tales. It contains over 100 photos and illustrations, from Victorian times up to the 1980s. Many have never been published before.

The Shoreditch Tales was published by Shoreditch Trust: The book is available from shoreditchtales.com.