Linda Wilkinson

Columbia Road – Of Blood and Belonging
'Where I am going has little beauty. No landscape to take the breath away, no cultural highlights of note, just a street of Victorian shops and houses to which I now know I undoubtedly belong.'
Some reviews:
From Julie Christie
"An astonishingly accomplished memoir, vividly written and evoking both a time that has changed for ever and a place that is transforming in front of our eyes. Written with a complete lack of self-regard and great originality. I’m a fan.”
From Amazon *****
“This memoir is so deftly written, that once I'd started reading, I really didn't want to break off. There is such a variety of subjects covered, from working-class life in the east end, where love and hate between family members was accentuated by sharing so little living space - through to cutting-edge science in the field of haematology and the advent of AIDS, with its many repercussions. Linda seems to start off as a near-mute child observing the adult world, before pitting herself against adults to try and right the injustices she witnesses, and that the adults around her seem reluctant to tackle. I think most of all, what is different about this memoir is that no matter what stage of Linda's journey through life we are reading about, there is a strong backdrop of the historical and social events that were then current. This is not to downplay the emotional impact of the book, which ranges from an understated humour to raw accounts of nervous breakdowns.”
This book is available directly from Linda or on Amazon. Email her for price and payment details.